This month the world shifted the focus albeit amidst the furore and pomp of the world cup in Russia to the child in Africa. For all intents and purposes one of soccer’s most awaited seasons also coincided with the global observation of the International Day of the African Child. The day which is observed on Saturday the 16th of June momentum was building for the world cup and many corporates were grappling with how to deal with their staff recovering from the 2 goals by Croatia with Nigeria were almost coming back to the motherland empty handed.

All this notwithstanding, there is a baking going on for the African child here in Kenya. Optiven Foundation is in the process of completing brand new home at the Soweto Anti-Aids Children’s home in Kayole. The Foundation has been one of the key supporters of the home which caters for children who have been abandoned owing to either their HIV status or having lost their parents to the malady. According to Optiven Foundation’s Chairman and Trustee, Mr. George Wachiuri, plans to launch the new building are at an advanced stage.

The building by Optiven Foundation will greatly improve the living standards of the children who were previously sheltering in a semi-permanent house. And as the theme for 2018 says Girls not Brides, at the Optiven Foundation it has to do with adding value to the most vulnerable in society.

If you want to reach the people that no one else is reaching… keep doing what no one else has done, is doing or intends to do. #IAMAPhilanthropist